Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase9Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase42Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase48Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase57Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase129Not #d
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase160Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase189Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo9Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo42Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo48Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo57Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo129Not #d
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo160Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo189Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Blue999
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Blue4299
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Blue4899
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Blue5799
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Blue12999
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Blue16099
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Blue18999
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Bronze9Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Bronze42Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Bronze48Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Bronze57Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Bronze129Not #d
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Bronze160Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Bronze189Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Gold910
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Gold4210
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Gold4810
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Gold5710
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Gold12910
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Gold16010
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Gold18910
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Green95
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Green425
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Green485
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Green575
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Green1295
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Green1605
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Green1895
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Orange FOTL925
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Orange FOTL4225
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Orange FOTL4825
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Orange FOTL5725
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Orange FOTL12925
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Orange FOTL16025
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Orange FOTL18925
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Pink9Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Pink42Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Pink48Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Pink57Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Pink129Not #d
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Pink160Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Pink189Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Platinum91
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Platinum421
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Platinum481
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Platinum571
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Platinum1291
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Platinum1601
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Platinum1891
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Purple949
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Purple4249
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Purple4849
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Purple5749
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Purple12949
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Purple16049
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Purple18949
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Red9199
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Red42199
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Red48199
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Red57199
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Red129199
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Red160199
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Red189199
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryBase Holo Spiral9Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantBase Holo Spiral42Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisBase Holo Spiral48Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenBase Holo Spiral57Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingBase Holo Spiral129Not #d
Brooklyn NetsLaMarcus AldridgeBase Holo Spiral160Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinBase Holo Spiral189Not #d
Brooklyn NetsSpencer DinwiddieGlorified Signatures Blue5049
Brooklyn NetsSpencer DinwiddieGlorified Signatures Gold5010
Brooklyn NetsSpencer DinwiddieGlorified Signatures Green505
Brooklyn NetsSpencer DinwiddieGlorified Signatures Platinum501
Brooklyn NetsSpencer DinwiddieGlorified Signatures Red5099
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers1Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers15Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers20Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Blue199
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Blue1599
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Blue2099
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Gold110
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Gold1510
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Gold2010
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Green15
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Green155
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Green205
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Platinum11
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Platinum151
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Platinum201
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Purple149
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Purple1549
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Purple2049
Brooklyn NetsJames HardenManeuvers Red1199
Brooklyn NetsKyrie IrvingManeuvers Red15199
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantManeuvers Red20199
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures27Not #d
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures35Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures Blue2749
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures Blue3549
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures Gold2710
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures Gold3510
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures Green275
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures Green355
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures Platinum271
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures Platinum351
Brooklyn NetsBruce BrownRecon Signatures Red2799
Brooklyn NetsJoe HarrisRecon Signatures Red3599
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim15Not #d
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim25Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Blue1599
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Blue2599
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Gold1510
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Gold2510
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Green155
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Green255
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Platinum151
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Platinum251
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Purple1549
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Purple2549
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantRock the Rim Red15199
Brooklyn NetsBlake GriffinRock the Rim Red25199
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures25Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures Blue2549
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures Gold2510
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures Green255
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures Platinum251
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryRookie Recon Signatures Red2599
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit4Not #d
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Blue499
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Gold410
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Green45
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Platinum41
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Purple449
Brooklyn NetsKevin DurantSky`s the Limit Red4199
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures18Not #d
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures Blue1849
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures Gold1810
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures Green185
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures Platinum181
Brooklyn NetsReggie PerryTrue Potential Signatures Red1899